Struggling With CONFLICT In Your Mother-Daughter Relationship?

Yes, Help Me!

If you answered yes, you're not alone!

The truth is, many mother-daughter relationships AREN'T ALWAYS SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS like society leads us to believe.

 There will always be some sort of friction or conflict within mother-daughter relationships - it's just a matter to what degree. And unfortunately, the conflict usually escalates because mothers and daughters only work on the surface level or "presenting conflict".

This only leads to frustration, yelling matches, pointing fingers and spinning in circles, which further intensifies the conflict.

And in some cases, long-term conflict may lead to estrangement which can have a devastating impact on mothers and daughters.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If you can relate and want to uncover the root cause of your mother-daughter conflict, we'll help you peel back the layers and make sense of it all.




I'm Ready To Find The Root Cause!

Does Your Mother-Daughter

Conflict Have You Feeling...

✓ Like you're on an emotional roller coaster


✓ Triggered and out of control


✓ Like you're walking on egg shells


✓ Defeated and ready to walk away from the relationship


✓ Unheard, unseen and unloved


✓ Emotionally disconnected


✓ Sad, angry and resentful


✓ Lost and not sure what to do


✓ Ashamed, guilty or frustrated


✓ Confused as to why there's conflict or friction

If you're ready to uncover the root of your mother-daughter conflict and take your first step towards becoming a cycle breaker...we've got something just for you!







You won't want to miss this value-packed, 3-day on-demand workshop where we'll dive deep into mother-daughter conflict. Each day you will spend 2 hours with us learning all about the root causes of conflict,  generational patterns, reflecting on your own mother-daughter relationship and working through exercises that will give you tons of 'aha' moments. You'll also walk away with an action plan that will help you start breaking harmful generational patterns.

Grab Your Seat!

"Ariel and Theresa are amazing! They are knowledgeable and compassionate. I found the 3 day workshop to be very insightful and valuable to me. At first I was reluctant to participate thinking that nothing will help my situation with my mother. After each day I came away with more awareness. I realized the value in shining a light on these truths and facts. Life is a journey and having powerful coaches by your side to support you and help you see things you don't see is invaluable. I appreciate the time and effort that Ariel and Theresa put in. I appreciate the insight and value I received. I also appreciate the connection and support from this powerful workshop. Thank you! I will recommend it to others."

Linda B. - Workshop Attendee


Grab Your  Ticket Today! 



✓ 3-day online workshop

✓ 6+ hours of training & content

✓  Personalized history map

✓ Reflection exercises

✓  Personalized action plan 

✓  Guided visualization

✓ Fillable worksheets

✓ Lifetime access

X One (1) 90-minute 1:1 coaching session

X One (1) week of Voxer coaching


A $297 VALUE!

Payment plans available at checkout.

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✓ 3-day online workshop

✓ 6+ hours of training & content

✓ Personalized History Map

✓ Reflection exercises

✓  Personalized action plan 

✓  Guided visualization

✓ Fillable worksheets

✓ Lifetime access

✓ One (1) 90-minute 1:1 coaching session

✓ One (1) week of Voxer coaching


An $847 VALUE! | Limited spots available!

Payment plans available at checkout.

Buy Ticket

What You'll  Walk Away With...

  •  Knowledge of the root causes of mother-daughter conflict

  • A better understanding of the complexity of mother-daughter relationships

  • A greater insight into your own mother-daughter relationship and reasons for conflict


  • A completed Mother-Daughter History Map to understand the emotional realities of females in your family

  • Insight into toxic generational themes that have been passed down

  • Awareness of internalized generational patterns that are negatively affecting your life

  • Deeper understanding of the subconscious mind and why it keeps you from having what you want


  • An action plan to help you break a toxic pattern for you and future generations

I'm Ready!

"Honestly, that was a great tool, the mother-daughter mapping..." 

 Lea Chew


Video Poster Image

This Workshop Is For You If...


 You are a mother of an adult daughter or you are an adult daughter


 You want to better understand the root cause of conflict within your mother-daughter relationship


 You would like to have a better relationship with your mother or daughter, but you don’t know where to start


 You and your mother or daughter are always fighting and cannot seem to resolve your conflict


 You are constantly triggered and on an emotional roller coaster


 You feel a lot of shame, guilt, anger, resentment, sadness or frustration because of your mother or daughter conflict


 You have behaviors or patterns that are creating challenges in your life and you want to understand where they come from


 You are ready to break toxic generational patterns for yourself and future generations


"After a 3-session intensive, I had tons of aha’s and perspective shifts." 

"I struggled in my relationship with my mother and always felt I was lacking or missing my mother’s love. I never felt heard, seen or understood and was not able to have a conversation with her or share my emotions. I wanted a relationship with my mother, but didn’t know how to go about discussing this with her and that’s when I decided to work with Theresa.

After a 3-session intensive, I had tons of aha’s and perspective shifts. I gained a better understanding of myself as well as my mother through a generational mapping exercise. I was also able to step into her shoes and see my mother and her struggles as an individual and it helped me to not only understand her better, but also be able to communicate with her.

This experience helped me open up, understand my own emotions, set boundaries, and even opened up the line of communication between us…I was actually able to get my mother to join my last session!"

 Middy A.

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Meet Your Workshop Hosts

Hello, it's nice to virtually meet you! We are Theresa Ritcher and Ariel Eversoll, a mother and daughter coaching team. We are women's empowerment coaches specializing in mother-daughter relationships.

After meeting countless women with deep-rooted mother wounds and witnessing an increase in mother-daughter estrangement, we knew there must be something we could do to help other mothers and adult daughters improve their relationship.

So, we decided to join forces and co-founded a women's coaching and mentorship company called Impact And Empower Inc. And now we're on mission to help mothers and adult daughters uncover the root cause of their conflict, heal their mother wounds, and break harmful generational patterns. 

Whether you're on a solo healing journey or you're doing this with your mother or daughter, we hope that you'll join us for this incredibly powerful and eye-opening workshop. We are so glad that you found us on our little corner of the internet and we can't wait to meet you!

Theresa Ritcher

Hello, I'm Theresa! I am a certified life and mother-daughter coach specializing in women's empowerment and mother-daughter relationships. I am a self-proclaimed psychology junkie and completely fascinated by the human mind. 

Working on the level of the subconscious mind, I am able to help women make lasting and sustainable changes that help them achieve what they desire in life. 

After several years of coaching on my own, I decided I needed a partner in crime! So, I decided to join forces with my daughter Ariel and we've built an incredible coaching business together. It has been a fun ride so far and we look forward to helping change thousands of women's lives!

Ariel Eversoll

Hi there! I'm Ariel and I am a women's empowerment coach specializing in mother-daughter relationships. I am a board certified NLP Practitioner and also hold certifications in mindset coaching, hypnosis, EFT tapping and neural energetic wiring and encoding. 

Through subconscious reprogramming and nervous system regulation, I am able to help women heal their wounds, take back their power and create lasting changes so they achieve their desired outcomes.  

After working behind the scenes in my mother's coaching business, I decided I too wanted to coach and make an impact on women's lives. That is when I decided to join forces with her and build a coaching business together. So far, it has been quite an exciting endeavor and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Cheers to making an impact!

Your mother-daughter conflict has gone on for too's time to get to the bottom of it!


Grab Your  Ticket Today!



✓ 3-day online workshop

✓ 6+ hours of training & content

✓ Personalized history map

✓ Reflection exercises

✓  Personalized action plan 

✓  Guided visualization

✓ Fillable worksheets

✓ Lifetime access

X One (1) 90-minute 1:1 coaching session

X One (1) week of Voxer coaching


A $297 VALUE!

Payment plans available at checkout.

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✓ 3-day online workshop

✓ 6+ hours of training & content

✓ Personalized History Map

✓ Reflection exercises

✓  Personalized action plan 

✓  Guided visualization

✓ Fillable worksheets

✓ Lifetime access

✓ One (1) 90-minute 1:1 coaching session

✓ One (1) week of Voxer coaching


An $847 VALUE! | Limited spots available!

Payment plans available at checkout.

Buy Ticket

"I learned more in three days with Theresa than I have in all my years of therapy!"

 Kimberly C.

Question & Answer

Still Have Questions? 


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DISCLAIMER: The information that is presented within this online workshop is for educational purposes only and is not a replacement/substitution for coaching or therapy from a licensed medical or mental health professional. The content presented may evoke strong or negative feelings or emotions, so please be advised.